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Scenario description


EnerBase describes a world in which existing policies and historical trends are continued without any further climate ambition. The lack of support for GHG emission mitigation affects entire energy systems over a long period, with increasing energy demand and limited fuel diversification. This scenario leads to a temperature rise above 3°C.


EnerBlue is based on the successful achievement of NDCs (Nationally Determined Contributions) and other national pledges for 2030, as well as a continuation of consistent efforts post 2030. Sustained growth in emerging countries is a powerful driver of global energy demand, but policies play a key role in controlling the pace of growth. This scenario leads to a global temperature rise between 2.0°C and 2.5°C.


EnerGreen explores the implications of more stringent climate policies, with countries fulfilling or overachieving their NDC commitments and then regularly revising their emissions goals. These changes lead to significant improvements in energy efficiency and a strong deployment of renewables. In this cleaner trajectory, global temperature increase is limited to well below 2 °C.

EnerFuture: Global Energy Forecasts

EnerFuture provides energy projections up to 2050. Our service offers clear insight into the future of energy demand, prices and GHG emissions.

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